Thursday, June 11, 2009

So I've been working out . . .

Long time, no post -- I know I know.

I've completely geeked out with some cronies here at Blizzard and started a RIFTS game. Here's a sketch of my pal James' character -- a juicer who pulled the arm off of a demon and now uses it as a weapon/backscratcher.


Aaron Walser said...

Rifts is a sweet game, and this is a sweet drawing Cameron. Keep up the good work. You are awesome.

Unknown said...

cool weapon, some demon/ monsters arm, that is awesome.

Dan Elder said...

HAHAHA RIFTS... suddenly im 13 again...deadly art dude. glad I stopped by

theM∀DWiseman said...

The detail is really quite amazing. I really enjoy all your work man.